Active Wallpaper Changer is a handy application that allows you to automatically change your wallpaper. The program offers a great deal of customization options and allows you to select exactly the images you want to include as wallpaper, selecting the style (center, tile, stretch, etc.) and background color. The wallpaper can be set to change randomly or in order, after a certain number of minutes, by pressing hotkeys, among other options. You can even add effects and add-ons to your wallpapers like transparent icons, filters, frames, calendars, and text notes. In the calendar you specify your own holidays, birthdays, important days, and include daily tasks. You can also select the position on the desktop, skin, and specify other options. As for the notes, you can also select the font, size, shadow, and position.
What is more, it even includes a downloader that automatically downloads wallpapers according to the categories you specify. You can select the folder where you want to store the wallpapers, select a proxy, and set limits of downloads per day and size of the downloads.
All in all, Active Wallpaper Changer is a very comprehensive application to manage wallpapers that definitely deserves a try.
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